If evolution is true and has endless amounts of evidence, then why do evolutionists and atheists get so angry when someone asks for real evidence?

Probably because they’re wondering if you’re blind,as the evidence is literally all around us, one just need look.

You’ve heard, I’ll assume, of people breeding say 2 dogs,or 2 rabbits,or 2 cats,or whatever, for certain traits, right?

Breeding is almost the same as evolution, but takes less time, and is guided by the breeder instead of nature, however, I’ll give you a few practical examples in humanity itself.

Example 1:

What is different between a person born and raised in Denmark or northern Canada compared to someone born and raised in Florida or Brazil?

Well, one difference would be that those born in climates closest to the poles will have thicker blood compared to someone born in a temperate or tropical climate in order to retain heat better. That is why when people move to a different climate (such as someone from Florida moving to say, Maine) it is a difficult adjustment and the person from Florida will feel “cold” and wear a jacket in 60 degree Fahrenheit weather, whereas someone born and raised in main will be out in a t-shirt and shorts.

Example 2:

Why do people born in hotter climates with ancestors born in the same place have have darker skin compared to those living in temperate climates, and people who live in temperate climates will have darker skin than those whose ancestors (and themselves) were born in colder climates such as Denmark and upper Canada?

Because the people living in the hotter climates closer to the equator are exposed to more UV radiation, and therefore their bodies produce more melanin to protect their skin from damage (sun burn). Those in temperate climates are exposed to more UV radiation than those born in colder climates, so they have more melanin that those from Denmark or Canada, but less than those who live nearer to the equator.

This is also why light skinned people burn instead of tanning at first. Their bodies don’t produce melanin quick enough to prevent the UV radiation damage.

Example 3:

Why are people who grew up near the ocean, or lakes or rivers rarely allergic to fish or shellfish, while those who grew up in areas further inland, are more prone to be allergic to fish or shellfish?

Because their ancestors, having settled there, found game sparse, so supplemented their diets with fish instead of meat, such as deer, bear, etc evolved to survive on fish and shellfish, and grew more tolerant of these animals, and often less tolerant of others.

As humanity spread out from our original point of evolution from a common ancestor with other primates, those who settled in certain areas evolved to better survive in those areas over generations. This is also why you’ll find more light colored eyes, and lighter colored hair in temperate and colder regions and darker eyes and darker colored hair nearer to the equator.

As I said, examples of evolution are all around us, all you need to do is look. There are even pigeons in large cities that have become so used to humans they don’t fly away from them, and eat what they’re given by the humans who feed them, and if these humans all suddenly died, the pigeons would too, because their instincts for finding food have changed.

If evolution is true and has endless amounts of evidence, then why do evolutionists and atheists get so angry when someone asks for real evidence?

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