Why should childless Americans pay for other people’s kids to attend school?

Did you go to school?

Some childless Americans paid for you to go to school.

Oh, and by the way, common sense would dictate that everyone wants children to be able to read, write, do math, know how to think, etc.


Because those children will grow up and become adults.

Without an education, these adults won’t be able to find jobs, support themselves, and thus become a drain on society for much, much longer than the paltry amount of time and money you would spend on their education.

So, make a choice, pay $1.00 out of every $100 you pay in taxes for their education, for 13 years (approximately) or pay $3.25 out of every $100 you pay in taxes for the next 70 years.

Now, if you learned how to think and do math, you’d understand that the former is cheaper than the latter. Or as my parents and grandparents, etc used to say, “penny wise, pound foolish”, which simply means you may save money now, but you’ll sure as shit be spending a lot more later. Therefore it makes a lot more sense to spend a little bit now to save yourself the greater expense later.

Here’s a simple analogy….

Your “Change Oil” idiot light comes on. You ignore it and never change your oil, oil filter, and air filter, because it costs say $50 every time you have to, so let’s say $100/yr.

So, you saved yourself $100/year, AWESOME job…right?

Wrong, because in 2–3 years you’ll be buying a new engine for your car…for between $6,000-$8,000 or so.

Penny wise (saving $100/yr), pound foolish (3 years later, you spend $7,000 for a new engine)

Get the point now, or would you like me to grab a crayon and draw you a picture?

Why should childless Americans pay for other people’s kids to attend school?

2 thoughts on “Why should childless Americans pay for other people’s kids to attend school?

  1. basenjibrian2 says:

    Bosh. As a member of the 0.5% I will insulate myself from the uneducated rabble in gated communities and with my money I can always find the few educated servants to serve MY needs. /sarc

    Liked by 1 person

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