Why does American youth look positively at socialism when it has been a miserable failure in Eastern Europe and East Asia?

Sigh, here we go again…

Listen, Americans don’t have a fucking clue what Socialism is, but then neither does anyone else, because it’s never actually been tried in the history of Humanity.

The crap the USSR, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, People’s Republic of China, etc engage in is a hybrid of oligarchy, plutocracy, anocracy, fascism and kleptocracy, nothing more, nothing less, and it is NOT on the “Left” they are all on the “Right”.

How can I say that? Well, it’s real simple for those with brains. There is NO authoritarianism on the left. The further left you go, the further towards anarchy you are.

Political Spectrum, Left to Right

Anarchy — Direct Democracy — Communism — Socialism — Indirect Democracy — Temporary Dictatorship (one appointed for a set amount of time during times of war kind of thing) — Anocracy (Hybrid of Indirect Democracy and Dictatorship) — Enlightened Dictatorship — Oligarchy/Plutocracy/Kleptocracy — Theocracy — Dictatorship — Fascism — Divine Monarchy — Absolute Divine Monarchy.

So, why is this the true political spectrum?

Furthest Left = complete rejection of lawful behavior, society completely breaks down. This is the very definition of anarchy.

Direct Democracy is essentially mob rule and doesn’t work very well, usually. Every citizen has a say, every citizen can introduce laws, they must be agreed on by at least a majority, etc.

Communism is a socioeconomic system in which the Government owns all means of manufacturing, production, farming and service organizations, that all people, including those in the Government, jointly own the country, businesses, farms, and property, all get paid based on their roles, everyone works for the government, and property is essentially rented form the government. It’s a collective, similar to direct democracy but no private ownership of businesses or property.

Socialism is a socioeconomic system identical to Communism EXCEPT for one crucial area. In Socialism, ownership of private property by citizens IS allowed

Indirect Democracy is where the citizens elect a subset of citizens that govern for them. There are several subtypes such as Parliamentary (Constitutional Monarchy), Representative Democracy, and Republic (which is a Representative Democracy, but the citizens also elect the executive authority).

Temporary Dictatorship is one where due to an unforeseen issue or threat, temporary dictatorial powers are given to an executive authority, for a certain amount of time, by the Legislative Authority.

Anocracy is a hybrid of an Indirect Democracy and Dictatorship.

An Enlightened Dictatorship is one similar to a Parliamentary Democracy or Republic, but the Executive Authority is for life, but is one that is still governed and bound by laws, freedoms, and benevolence.

Oligarchy/Plutocracy/Kleptocracy are small groups of people who govern, aren’t elected by the people, and may or may not be benevolent. Plutocracy is a subtype where those in charge are the wealthiest, Kleptocracy is where those in charge funnel/steal money and make themselves wealthier.

Theocracy is a small group of religious leaders who govern the people based on the religious rites, rules, etc of one religion.

Dictatorship is the rule of 1 person, usually one not inherited by taken by force.

Fascism is very much like a dictatorship but is more strict and stringent, and oppressive.

Furthest Right = Absolute power/rule held by one person (and possibly their spouse), hereditary, and often claims to receive power direct from (or acts as if) he/she is a deity which is, of course, an absolute, divine monarchy.

Now, back to the question…

American Youth want to retain an Indirect Democracy, but to expand SAFETY NETS. What Republicans have been calling “Socialism” or “Communism” for over a century are neither, they are safety net programs designed to protect the General Welfare (Welfare, as used in 1776–1900 means “well being” by the way) like the Constitution tells the Government to do, as well as to make sure ALL citizens of the United States continue to enjoy their inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, just like the Declaration of Independence says.

The first safety net provided to the people of the United States was their right to follow whatever religion they wanted to or none. The second safety net was so that the people of the United States retain the right of freedom of speech (though not freedom from the consequences of that speech if it endangered others) and so on. The first safety net involving money was the very first Congress of the United States providing veterans’ benefits to those who fought in the Revolutionary War in the Continental Army, or their surviving spouses or children. The second was to issue Government secured loans for “homesteaders”. The third was to offer all citizens to get vaccinated against small pox using an small injection of cow pox (a much milder form of small pox that still created antibodies and helped prevent small pox) for free. As our country became more prosperous the safety nets provided by the Government expanded, just as those who were homeless or jobless or just poor could live, for free, in “poor houses” which also provided basic food, usually a kind of stew or porridge.

It’s also interesting to note that every civilization since the dawn of written history beginning in Ancient Sumer around 10,000 BCE, as well as the oral history of Aboriginal Australians which goes back about 40,000 years provided at least a few safety nets to protect its citizens, such as poor houses, free or low cost health care, food rations and even paid government work (usually building projects). Sumer, Babylon, Rome, Greece, Egypt, Persia, the Indigenous peoples of North and South America, the Ancient Japanese, Ancient Chinese, Ancient Indus Valley, Ancient Jews/Israel, Catholic, Christian and Orthodox Christian nations such as the Byzantine Empire, Islamic countries/Caliphates, and so on ALL had safety nets for their people of one kind or another.

It’s interesting that the only ones who ever seem to cry about safety nets are the wealthy/greedy/prejudiced Conservatives in history, those like Marie Antoinette telling the poor and starving subjects just prior to the French Revolution, “Let them eat cake” when most were eating rats, mice, tree bark, grass and so on.

You know who supported safety nets in the United States?

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Martin Van Buren, John Quincy Adams, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S Grant, Samuel Chase, J Paul Getty, John Rockerfeller, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, and most other Presidents and members of Congress, Supreme Court Justices and so on up to and including Dwight D. Eisenhower, who incidentally was the last true Republican who espoused the ideals of the Republican Party as Founded in the 1854. That was, of course, before Richard Millhouse Nixon chose to bring to racists like Stom Thurmond into the Republican Party and Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan began courting the Christian fundamentalists and extremists into Republican Party.

Here’s an easy way to tell if something suggested is Communist or Socialist:

Does it have the government take over all private industries (not create its own, but take over a business that already exists?

If yes, it may be Communist or Socialist.

Does it take over private real property (houses, cars, boats, fishing rods, etch-a-sketches, slinkies, and everything else) from everyone without compensation?

If yes, it may be Communist.

Does it provide money or assistance to the poor, the sick, the injured, the disabled, seek to educate people for little or no cost, or help people pay their bills or prevent people from starving?

It’s not Communist or Socialist, it’s a safety net.

Why does American youth look positively at socialism when it has been a miserable failure in Eastern Europe and East Asia?

25 thoughts on “Why does American youth look positively at socialism when it has been a miserable failure in Eastern Europe and East Asia?

  1. Sometimes you find a hidden gem and I have found one in your work. You are now on my blogroll and I have reblogged one of your articles. Tell me if you want me to take it down. I think it needs to be read by as many people as possible.,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have no problem with you, or anyone one else re-blogging what I write as long as I’m credited. There are probably several of my older posts you’d like, including Healing the Nation (parts 1 and 2), and my post on Independence Day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Safety nets are massively abused as well as filled with wasteful spending. People on assistance should not be buying the latest Iphone / latest flagship highend smart phone. If you can afford that kind of extra stuff . Then you truly are not that poor that other tax payers should provide you a free ride. Government run safety nets are garbage. Private charities that can be held accountable as well as are donated to voluntarily not by force of government thugs coming to attack and steal your earning/ property of you refuse to fund their strong arm charity efforts. I oppose most if not all taxes on private citizens . Tariffs and or minimal Corporate taxes would be fine to fund a efficient properly run government. More or less a minarchist Libertarian government. One with fewer laws . Ie only laws pretainting to theft or direct personal harm from one to another contract law . If you wish to consume unhealthy amounts of food or drugs well you are left to deal with the health implications . I am not very wealthy I am pretty well off can afford to arm myself and have a system in place to protect my home . I think our police state is massively to powerful and corrupt to the point they seek out making normal people into criminals . Usually more so if they are on the lower economic side. No not always just blacks or minorites fall there dispite what your veiled leftist opinion would claim .


    1. And you, of course have actual EVIDENCE of all your claims, right Asher? Oh wait, that’s right, you didn’t for your other comments either. Oh, and can you show all of us where I said anything about blacks or minorities? Oh, that would be NOWHERE.

      The majority of those on Government Assistance are whites, ESPECIALLY in Red States. So kindly go take your diatribe of factless drivel elsewhere, Asher.


      1. Well you seem to act like the safety net programs should be funding the lives of anyone who don’t wanna work. I will assume you think stupid shit like UBI should be given out like free candy. Any time the governent claims to want to help it really means they want to control the people . Democrats use entitlement programs to basically buy votes even if they know their plans are not possible or even legal . Look at that bs student loan forgiveness they are trying to push through . Just because you wasted time and money getting a gender studies degree or some other useless degree that does not get you a job you can pay your student loans off with . Means you are gonna get a free 10k break on your poor choice . Why not expand that to hey you had a 10k car loan why not frogive that to or hell a 10k business loan forgiven . My tools and tech gear is not cheap I could use a 10k loan forgiveness on my business . Since we ar just gonna print all this extra money why don’t we give each citizen over age 21 1 billion dollars to do with as they want . That would really buy some votes. While yes it would cause even more inflation but the left and RINOs like you think inflation is a good thing .


  3. Asher said, “Well you seem to act like the safety net programs should be funding the lives of anyone who don’t wanna work. I will assume you think stupid shit like UBI should be given out like free candy.”

    LOL. Sorry, but no. First off, I don’t act, or seem to act, “like the safety net programs should be funding the lives of anyone who don’t wanna work”

    As always, Asher, you claim I say something that I never do.

    Asher said, “Any time the governent claims to want to help it really means they want to control the people . Democrats use entitlement programs to basically buy votes even if they know their plans are not possible or even legal . Look at that bs student loan forgiveness they are trying to push through . Just because you wasted time and money getting a gender studies degree or some other useless degree that does not get you a job you can pay your student loans off with . Means you are gonna get a free 10k break on your poor choice . Why not expand that to hey you had a 10k car loan why not frogive that to or hell a 10k business loan forgiven .”

    ROFL. Once again, you haven’t a clue of about a single thing you said, you’re just regurgitating what Fox, OANN, Newsmax or Republicans tell you to. You REALLY want to talk “Entitlement” programs? You may want to look at farm/ranch subsidies created by Republicans to pay big corporate farms not to grow crops and ranches not to raise cattle and such so as to keep prices higher. Or maybe the big bailouts during Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr when banks, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, the auto industry, etc failed and were subsidized so they kept going. Same thing with the oil companies, which is of course even though they’ve been making record profits.

    And by the way, moron, a lot of those people getting that loan forgiveness got degrees in medicine, law, finance, IT, teaching, and more. So PLEASE go take your whining and shove it up your ass. And fyi, I hold a dual Bachelor’s Degree in IT and History, with minors in MIS and Political Science. I paid off my school loans over 15 years ago. And are you not comprehending that BILLIONS in Business Loans were forgiven already?
    “Borrowers can apply for forgiveness any time up to the maturity date of the loan. If borrowers do not apply for forgiveness within 10 months after the last day of the covered period, then PPP loan payments are no longer deferred, and borrowers will begin making loan payments to their PPP lender.”


    Here is NON-PPP SBA loan forgiveness:


    Oh, let me guess, you didn’t know the Republicans enacted that, right? It started in 1982 under Reagan.

    Asher whined, “My tools and tech gear is not cheap I could use a 10k loan forgiveness on my business . Since we ar just gonna print all this extra money why don’t we give each citizen over age 21 1 billion dollars to do with as they want . That would really buy some votes. While yes it would cause even more inflation but the left and RINOs like you think inflation is a good thing .”

    Would you like some cheese with your whine little boy?

    You know, there was this liberal wanker who taught people to forgive people their debts after 1 to 7 years depending on the debt, help the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the illegal immigrant, and so on. His name was Jesus of Nazareth.

    There was another liberal who requested debt forgiveness, income and help for the poor, and such. His name was George Washington. Others who did so were Abraham Lincoln, also Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower and quite a few others. Are they RINOs too?

    You’re a small-minded, hard-hearted, craven, ignorant asshole.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well news flash douche bag . I hate all kinds of corporate welfare be it for corporate farms or to big to fail businesses. I too hold a Degree you are not that special. Mine allowed me to pay my debts off not long after getting my first job post college. Just because you think people should not have to ay back money for loans they took out for college don’t mean it a good idea. Prices for college are as fucking high as Joe Bidens crack head son . Hell I would go as far as saying so called entitlement programs for Most non combat military members should be stricken down to. Just printing more debt money backed by a promise is God damn retarded. You take out a loan you are going to have to pay it back . You / your business fails due to poor practices and alike well sorry big daddy government should not bail your ass out. The PPP loans and stimulus checks are a part as to why inflation has been so high this last year. More things we can thank the Reaction to COVID brought us ie lockdowns stimulus checks forced masking and forced vax bullshit. Plus add on all the sudden heart issues post vax . The spike proteins and MRNA shit you let be injected into you because of fear mongering media will have long term health effects. I blame Trump on the operation warp speed for that lovely vax. Look you are pro government intervention and control of the lives of citizens . I fall more on the side of freedom to suffer you own choices be they good bad or indifferent .


      1. Asher said, “Well news flash douche bag . I hate all kinds of corporate welfare be it for corporate farms or to big to fail businesses.”

        Yippie for you.

        Asher said, “I too hold a Degree you are not that special. Mine allowed me to pay my debts off not long after getting my first job post college.”

        Would you like a medal or a monument?

        Asher said, “Just because you think people should not have to ay back money for loans they took out for college don’t mean it a good idea.”

        There ya go trying to speak for me, and as always, getting it wrong.”

        Asher said, “Prices for college are as fucking high as Joe Bidens crack head son .”

        Seriously, Asser? I doubt they’re as high as Donald Trump’s sons though. And by the way, half-wit, why are college prices so high? Conservative assholes like you.

        Asher says, “Hell I would go as far as saying so called entitlement programs for Most non combat military members should be stricken down to.”

        Sorry child, but no one should have to risk their life just to be able to afford college, that’s as fucking stupid as Trump, which says a lot considering even those in his administration call him a fucking idiot, as did his professors. Which just goes to show how absolutely stupid you are. Because every 1st World nation beats the US in education. Why? Because Conservatives hate education.”

        Ashey said, “Just printing more debt money backed by a promise is God damn retarded.”

        Then you should really hate Conservatives considering they’re the ones who increase the debt EVERY time they’re in office. That’s right, fuckwit, EVERY SINGLE TIME REPUBLICANS ARE IN OFFICE THEY EXPLODE THE DEBT MORE THAN DEMOCRATS.

        In 1981 the US Debt was $998 billion.
        In 1989 the US Debt was $2,857 billion
        In 1993 the US Debt was $4,411 billion

        That was the Reagan and Bush years. 12 years, and more than 4 times the starting debt.

        Bill Clinton took office in 1993, but his first year was Bush’s last budget, so in 1994 the US Debt was $4,693 billion.
        In 2001, Clinton’s last budget, the US debt was $5,807 billion. 8 years, a rise of only $1,114 billion.

        Bush Jr’s first budget was in 2002 and the US debt was: $6,228.
        His last budget was 2009, and the US Debt was: $11,910 billion, a rise of $5,682. In other words, he nearly doubled it.

        Obama’s first budget was in 2010 and the US Debt was: $16,066.
        His last budget was 2017 and the US Debt was $20,245, so just under $4 trillion increase thanks to Bush’s Great Recession and his war in Afghanistan and other places.

        Donald Trump’s first budget was in 2018 and the US Debt was $21,516.
        Donald Trump’s last budget was 2021 and the US Debt was: $29,617, a rise of over $8,500 billion IN 4 YEARS.

        Biden’s first budget was 2022 and the US Debt was $30,824, so he raised it just over $1,200 while fighting a pandemic, spending to fix the Capitol, and an unprecedented number of Federal lawsuits thanks to the attempted insurrection.

        So, asshole, it looks like it is REPUBLICANS you should be pissed at for the debt, but you’re not, because you’re too stupid, and too brainwashed to understand facts. But that’s nothing new with morons like you.

        Asher said, “You take out a loan you are going to have to pay it back . You / your business fails due to poor practices and alike well sorry big daddy government should not bail your ass out. The PPP loans and stimulus checks are a part as to why inflation has been so high this last year.”

        LOL, you think our inflation is so high? ROFL. You’re a fucking idiot. Biden’s kept our inflation down. And fyi, fuckwit, a huge part of inflation is the price gouging of the oil and gas companies, and the food companies. If you had brains you’d know that.

        Let’s see inflation in the G20 countries, shall we fucktard?

        Turkey 82%
        Argentina: 78.5%
        Russia: 14.3%
        Spain: 10.5%
        UK: 9.9%
        Brazil: 8.7%
        Mexico: 8.7%
        Italy: 8.4%
        US: 8.1%
        Germany: 7.9%

        But you want to blame inflation on Biden? ROFL. Remind us who voted against the Inflation Reduction Act and the Oil and Gas Price Gouging Act and the Food Price Gouging Acts? REPUBLICANS.

        Asher said, “More things we can thank the Reaction to COVID brought us ie lockdowns stimulus checks forced masking and forced vax bullshit.”

        ROFL, I figured you were an anti-vax nut job too. Tell us Asher, do you prefer that millions died or starved? Because, lest you forget, fuckwit, over 1 million Americans have died, including children and infants. Not so pro-life are you?

        Asher said, “Plus add on all the sudden heart issues post vax . The spike proteins and MRNA shit you let be injected into you because of fear mongering media will have long term health effects. I blame Trump on the operation warp speed for that lovely vax.”

        Sorry, child, but your claims about heart issues post vax is false, like everything else you’ve said:



        Asher said, “Look you are pro government intervention and control of the lives of citizens . I fall more on the side of freedom to suffer you own choices be they good bad or indifferent .”

        No, I am pro-government doing what they’re supposed to, protect our citizens and provide for the general welfare of it’s citizens, which includes preventing their deaths if possible.

        And as to the last part, thank you for showing just how unsympathetic and uncaring you are to your fellow human beings. Your Jesus would be so proud of you for going against EVERY SINGLE THING HE TAUGHT.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Also that is rich and funny you trying to play up the Jesus aka Zombie jew man being pro this or that . Well that will fall on death ears 1 I am not a Christian 2 do not think this so called man existed nor are many the teachings of Christianity are all that great. Hell all the abrahamic faiths to me are trash My faith is that of my ancestors well a modern interpretation of it . I am a Nordic pagan . Que the claims of me being a skin head or some other extremist that has mis used our symbols to promote hate .


      1. Don’t know much about your own religion then:

        Virtues emphasized in Old Norse philosophy include independence, self-reliance, loyalty, modesty, hospitality, generosity, compassion, courage, and most importantly, wisdom. Independence was not just attained materially, but was exerted through independence of thought and action as well.

        You show no hospitality, generosity, or compassion and you completely lack courage or wisdom. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Asher says:

    Yes because I do not think lazy people who refuse to work should have a government funded life I lack wisdom . All your so called government ran safety nets cost a fuck ton and are filled with waste on admistrative costs at or above 70% of the funds gathered. You say because I do not think any government should tell me who I must be hospitable to I do not followy own faith . I do have generosity for causes I like or agree with. You see because I do not agree with your dogmatic worship of government intervention in my life and the lives of others I lack knowledge yeah sure . Just follow orders see where that path leads humanity . I question or outright reject the athority of others on my life and the lives of others as long as they are not coming theft or direct violent harm . You people ie you and Ben types would call for my arrest or whatever because I do not think your way of doing things is right for all . Government is to damn powerful and has to much say in our lives . We saw what government over reach of power has brought in the last 2 years . I also do love how in your rules you say be respectful . Guess that only applies to those you agree with on all matters ie governent control of all things. I have not gave you my true honest thoughts about you or your mandates you want thrust upon all people . Say I’m crazy or evil because I do not think in lockstep with the crowd of cowards such as you . I have honor and loyal for the people who have proven they are worth both . You are not worth the common decentcy of putting you out of your were burning alive.


    1. Asher said, “Yes because I do not think lazy people who refuse to work should have a government funded life I lack wisdom . All your so called government ran safety nets cost a fuck ton and are filled with waste on admistrative costs at or above 70% of the funds gathered. ”

      ROFL, Asher, where’s your evidence for your claim?

      Corporate Welfare surpasses safety net programs by hundreds of billions a year.

      Asher Said, “You say because I do not think any government should tell me who I must be hospitable to I do not followy own faith . I do have generosity for causes I like or agree with. ”

      Once again you make a claim without evidence. I don’t worship the government, or anything or anyone else, twit. I also said you lack any kind of compassion for others.

      Asher said, “You see because I do not agree with your dogmatic worship of government intervention in my life and the lives of others I lack knowledge yeah sure . Just follow orders see where that path leads humanity . I question or outright reject the athority of others on my life and the lives of others as long as they are not coming theft or direct violent harm . ”

      Again, you make claims about me, yet fail to prove them. So, you’re against direct violent harm, but support guns, which cause direct violent harm, since there is little to no regulation of them. That’s called hypocrisy.

      Asher said, “You people ie you and Ben types would call for my arrest or whatever because I do not think your way of doing things is right for all . Government is to damn powerful and has to much say in our lives . We saw what government over reach of power has brought in the last 2 years .”

      Tell us Asher, why would I want you arrested? You’re not breaking any laws, you’re just an asshole. That’s not illegal. And what overreach are you referring to? Vaccines aren’t mandatory, neither were masks or social distancing. Lockdowns were based on State choices. Of course all of that was to protect the lives of Americans, you no, avoiding direct harm/death.

      Asher said, “I also do love how in your rules you say be respectful . Guess that only applies to those you agree with on all matters ie governent control of all things. I have not gave you my true honest thoughts about you or your mandates you want thrust upon all people .

      Sorry Asher, but you’ve been less than respectful to me in every single one of your comments. I give as I get. You have been a douche since your first comment, so I returned it to you. Go cry somewhere else. You want me to be respectful towards you? Be respectful towards me.

      Asher said, “”Say I’m crazy or evil because I do not think in lockstep with the crowd of cowards such as you . I have honor and loyal for the people who have proven they are worth both . You are not worth the common decentcy of putting you out of your were burning alive.”

      Thank you for once again proving you have zero compassion for human beings in general. That’s the difference between us. Even if I despised you, your politics, and thought you were true scum of the Earth, if you were on fire, I’d still put you out and provide first aid until the paramedics or EMTs arrived, BECAUSE I’M COMPASSIONATE. I have known Donald Trump since I was 14. I’ve despised him since I was 14. In my eyes, he’s a traitor, incited an insurrection and attempted to turn this country into a fascist state. If he were on fire, I’d still put him out and give him first aid as well. Why? Because it’s the moral and right thing to do. It’s called human decency. Obviously you lack it.

      And call me coward all you want, I’ll laugh in your face, as I’ve laughed in others. As to honor, you don’t know what honor is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Asher doesn’t understand evidence, or honour, or any form of integrity. I feel sorry for him. He routinely invents imaginary arguments to attack. He carries a lot of misdirected anger. He refuses to stop and think. He is troubled, and isn’t willing to get help.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Asher says:

        Blah blah blah. I do not have compassion for people I hate. I highly question that you would offer aid to a person like me let alone Trump. Yes Trump is an asshole but with that asshole in office things were far better then they are now with the dementia patient currently in the people’s house. Not everbody has to agree or even like the things you like ie massive government safety nets for the poor along with corporate subsidies . I oppose both when ran by our corrupt government . Anarchy sounds better and better each passing day . You claim their are no gun restrictions are you a fucking blind retard . There are far to Many. More gun ownership is a good thing. Defending from criminals and government thugs are great uses for guns . Plus they are fasinating learning about how they work. But hey I know guns evil and scary unless the government has a monopoly on them so that they can victimize the citizens . Dictators love gun control no wonder people like you and Ben support the most strict versions of bans and theft of guns from their owners. I know you will claim no no no you don’t wanna ban them you simply want common sense control and a federal resgersty on who owns what and even the amount of ammo they have. You know because safety not to be abused by government thugs . The ATF and pretty much all the alphabet boys should be disbanded as the whole lot of them are trash thug arms of a oppressive police and surveillance state.


  5. “ASHER SAYS: Blah blah blah. I do not have compassion for people I hate. I highly question that you would offer aid to a person like me let alone Trump. Yes Trump is an asshole but with that asshole in office things were far better then they are now with the dementia patient currently in the people’s house. Not everbody has to agree or even like the things you like ie massive government safety nets for the poor along with corporate subsidies . I oppose both when ran by our corrupt government . Anarchy sounds better and better each passing day . You claim their are no gun restrictions are you a fucking blind retard . There are far to Many. More gun ownership is a good thing. Defending from criminals and government thugs are great uses for guns . Plus they are fasinating learning about how they work. But hey I know guns evil and scary unless the government has a monopoly on them so that they can victimize the citizens . Dictators love gun control no wonder people like you and Ben support the most strict versions of bans and theft of guns from their owners. I know you will claim no no no you don’t wanna ban them you simply want common sense control and a federal resgersty on who owns what and even the amount of ammo they have. You know because safety not to be abused by government thugs . The ATF and pretty much all the alphabet boys should be disbanded as the whole lot of them are trash thug arms of a oppressive police and surveillance state.”

    Poor Asher, can’t understand that one human can and is willing to help another, even if they don’t like them. I spent years of my life helping people I didn’t know, and sometimes didn’t like. I was an EMT until I was injured while responding to a call about someone who rammed his car into the side of a bridge. He stabbed me through the forearm and just grazed my chest with the blade.

    That’s the difference between you and I. I have compassion for others, even those I don’t like. Someone I despised, almost as much as Trump, one of my former bosses, lost his mother. I still went up to him and gave my condolences and asked him if there was anything he needed. Why? Because it was the moral and right thing to do. I get it, you can’t understand that. Even now I’m trying to help you, by providing facts. You don’t agree or like those facts. That’s not my problem, yet here I am, still trying to do so. I could have ignored your diatribes. I could have blocked you from my blog. I didn’t, because I’m a compassionate person who tries to help others. You should try it. You should try to stop being a selfish, self-absorbed, egotistical, self-righteous ass, and while you’re at it, you should try actually researching facts, because you lack them.

    You said, “Yes Trump is an asshole but with that asshole in office things were far better then they are now with the dementia patient currently in the people’s house.”
    Tell us, Asher, do you happen to have any actual facts to support your claim that Joe Biden has dementia? No, I didn’t think so. Guess what? There are plenty of facts that Donald Trump does. And sorry, but no, things weren’t better when Trump was in office, unless you were wealthy, a racist, a sexist, or swallowed his lies and bullshit. But you won’t look at facts you won’t even acknowledge them. You’ve proven that in nearly every single comment you’ve made.

    You said, “Not everbody has to agree or even like the things you like ie massive government safety nets for the poor along with corporate subsidies . I oppose both when ran by our corrupt government . Anarchy sounds better and better each passing day .”

    Asher, how come you can’t provide any facts, or sources for your drivel?

    You said, “You claim their are no gun restrictions are you a fucking blind retard . There are far to Many. More gun ownership is a good thing. Defending from criminals and government thugs are great uses for guns . Plus they are fasinating learning about how they work. But hey I know guns evil and scary unless the government has a monopoly on them so that they can victimize the citizens .”

    Once again, you lie and claim I said something I didn’t. I said “little to no regulations”. Why? Because Conservatives are removing them, including the Supreme Court. Perhaps you’ve not been paying attention? We’re now up to over 18 States that do not require permits, registration, concealed carry permits, etc. Even more States have very little regulation. And guess what? Mass shootings, and murders, and violent crimes have all increased since Conservatives started to do so.

    Guns aren’t evil, nor scary, Asher. I’ve owned several. Guns are neutral, it’s how they are used that can make them evil. And unfortunately, many more people use them to intimidate, force their beliefs or conspiracy theories on others, and so forth.

    You said, “Dictators love gun control no wonder people like you and Ben support the most strict versions of bans and theft of guns from their owners. I know you will claim no no no you don’t wanna ban them you simply want common sense control and a federal resgersty on who owns what and even the amount of ammo they have. You know because safety not to be abused by government thugs . The ATF and pretty much all the alphabet boys should be disbanded as the whole lot of them are trash thug arms of a oppressive police and surveillance state.””

    The one thing you got right is that I don’t want guns banned, I want “common sense” gun regulations. I’ve already stated what those are.

    Now Asher, I’m going to ask you a couple of simple questions, ones even someone as simple as you can understand.

    If you think so poorly of the government of this country, why are you here?
    If you think all the rules, laws, and regulations in this country are so corrupt, horrible, and so forth, why are you here?

    You seem to do nothing except hate everything about the United States, so why are you here?

    You’ll notice I’m not saying you should leave, I’ve asking why you state since you hate this country so much, or at least our Constitution, our Government, the ideals of our Founding Fathers, and so forth.

    I’m also going to reiterate something you ignored. For over 230 years, the US Supreme Court interpreted and upheld the 2nd Amendment, as did inferior courts, that the 2nd Amendment was a collective right that applied strictly to members of State sanctioned militias. In 2008 Supreme Court Heller decision, that was overturned and made into an individual right. Yet you also ignore the words of the Conservative Chief Justice, Antonin Scalia.

    “District of Columbia v. Heller, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2008, held (5–4) that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess firearms independent of service in a state militia and to use firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense within the home.”

    Notice how it says “within the home”? It doesn’t say everywhere.

    “Writing for the majority, Antonin Scalia argued that the operative clause of the amendment, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” codifies an individual right derived from English common law and codified in the English Bill of Rights (1689). The majority held that the Second Amendment’s preamble, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” is consistent with this interpretation when understood in light of the framers’ belief that the most effective way to destroy a citizens’ militia was to disarm the citizens.”

    “The most effective way to destroy a CITIZEN’S MILITIA was to disarm citizens.” Oops, it’s still about militias.

    What else did Scalia say in the majority opinion?

    “The Second Amendment right is not absolute and a wide range of gun control laws remain “presumptively lawful,” according to the Court. These include laws that (1) prohibit carrying concealed weapons, (2) prohibit gun possession by felons or the mentally retarded, (3) prohibit carrying firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, (4) impose “conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms,” (5) prohibit “dangerous and unusual weapons,” and (6) regulate firearm storage to prevent accidents. Justice Scalia wrote the majority opinion. He was joined by Justices Alito, Kennedy, Roberts, and Thomas.”



    Have you ever actually READ the decision in 2008? And Conservatives continue to overturn more and more. Yet gun regulations by the Founders go against all the bullshit lies claimed by Scalia and the other Conservatives and Libertarians.


    1. Asher says:

      I am in America because of all the Countries on the planet it has the most freedom . Something the left wants to take from people like me. Because of who and what I vote for. I do not hate the country I hate how evil our government has been allowed to become. Pretty much think the people should retake our power back from the evil who thinks they own us. I hate how weak and fragile my generation and later generations have become. I can see compassion for people but not people like you who would want my rights taken from me because I think to far outside the mainstream media brain washing. You are going to say with a straight fucking face things were not better under Trump ? Record low unemployment GDP growth decreased taxes for middle class wage growth . Lower gas prices the beginnings of getting our border under control . Being a net energy producer. What kinds of so called far left common sense gun control do you want mag copasity limits ?limits on otherwise non criminal citizens being allowed to own and or carry a gun if they so wish?. Let see you likely want mandatory mental health test by bias leftist therapists being allowed to determine if a citizen may buy a gun to protect themselves .? Let’s see what is more arsinie gun control the left wants…. Oh gun owners being forced to only be allowed to store their guns at the police armory ?. I am for both open and concealed carry. I have done both . I prefer concealed mostly to not draw attention to my gun in a public space. My gun only should come out in a few cases 1 a cop has a reason to stop me and removes it from my person as a matter of their safety don’t like it but will comply with lawful orders . 2 I am at a public gun range training or just having a bit of fun . 3 I am protecting myself or another person from a criminal . I carry a gun on me any time I leave my home . My clients know I am armed while on premise . Some ask it gets left in my Truck. I will do it but I will not return to them once my job is done with them if that is their policy . I think all gun owners should of their own volition have at least 30hrs of gun safety training as in conjunction with target training and stressful environment train by a company like tarin tactical or a local tactic gun training provider before they are going to carry in public . I would not make that a condition of getting a carry permit . I think asking the government permission to carry a gun or even hunt / fish are dumb. You call me uncompassionate but i have compassion for people who are being harmed by criminals. You would have them at their mercy of their attacker as you would say no they can’t carry outside their home or business because some stupid sense of flawed morality thinking being made a victim is more suitable than protecting yourself with a gun .


      1. ASHER SAYS: “I am in America because of all the Countries on the planet it has the most freedom .”

        Well, you just identified how myopically stupid you are and how little you know.

        Top 10 Freest Countries and Territories in the World – 2021
        Human Freedom Index
        Switzerland — 9.11
        New Zealand — 9.01
        Denmark — 8.98
        Estonia — 8.91
        Ireland — 8.90
        Finland — 8.85
        Canada — 8.85
        Australia — 8.84
        Sweden — 8.83
        Luxembourg — 8.80

        Oh look, the US isn’t even in the top 10.


        And no, I don’t think you’ll believe it, because you bought into the conspiracy bullshit nonsense of the Conservatives.

        Asher said, “Something the left wants to take from people like me. Because of who and what I vote for. I do not hate the country I hate how evil our government has been allowed to become. ”

        You know, for someone who claims not to be a MAGA support you use ALL of the same bullshit lines of theirs.

        Asher says, “Pretty much think the people should retake our power back from the evil who thinks they own us.”

        Congratulations, fucktard, you just advocated for insurrection, which according to the law, since you said it on a public forum, constitutes seditious conspiracy. You really are fucking stupid.

        Asher said, “I hate how weak and fragile my generation and later generations have become. I can see compassion for people but not people like you who would want my rights taken from me because I think to far outside the mainstream media brain washing.”

        Tell us, moron, which rights have you lost? Seriously, name them. Name one right I’ve advocated for to be removed from you or anyone else, dumbfuck.

        Oh, and do you even understand what the word mainstream means, idiot? No, you don’t. Let me educate you some more.

        the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.

        So, ideas, attitudes or activities regarded as NORMAL and held by the majority. In other words, you fucking moron, the drivel you watch and listen to is ABNORMAL AND DOES NOT SUPPORT THE ATTITUDE OF THE MAJORITY.

        Asher said, “You are going to say with a straight fucking face things were not better under Trump ? Record low unemployment GDP growth decreased taxes for middle class wage growth . Lower gas prices the beginnings of getting our border under control . Being a net energy producer.”

        Wow, just wow. Not a single thing you said was true. ROFLMAO.

        Let’s look at some real numbers, not the bullshit from Fox:

        The U.S. economy added 6.2 million jobs since January 2021, but not all of the jobs lost during the pandemic have returned.
        Economic growth slowed in the third quarter, but economists estimate the economy grew by about 5% in 2021 — the fastest in decades.
        A key measurement of illegal immigration rose dramatically. The number of apprehensions at the border with Mexico increased by 317% in Biden’s first 10 full months in office, compared with the same period in 2020.
        Inflation came roaring back. During Biden’s first 11 months in office, the Consumer Price Index increased 6.8%. Gasoline prices jumped 39%.
        Wages and inflation are both up. But real weekly wages, adjusted for inflation, declined 2.2% for production and nonsupervisory workers.
        Corporate profits and stock prices hit new records.
        The number of people without health insurance went down by about 500,000, according to a government survey.
        The U.S. trade deficit, which grew larger under President Donald Trump, continued to increase. The gap grew 27.3% in Biden’s first 10 months.
        The number of people receiving food stamp benefits declined by about 905,000, or 2.2%, after steep increases during the height of the pandemic.
        The federal debt continues to rise, and annual deficits remained in the trillions.
        Biden has kept pace with Trump’s first year in winning confirmation of federal appeals court judges, and exceeded his predecessor in District Court confirmations.
        The U.S. image abroad has recovered. In 12 nations, many of which are key U.S. allies and partners, a median of 62% of foreigners said they held a positive view of the U.S. — up from a median of 34% in Trump’s final year.


        Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
        When Trump took office in 2017, he promised a targeted economic growth rate of 3% each year. While the administration failed to meet that target three years in a row, Trump’s real GDP (adjusting for inflation) was still slightly higher in his first three years than in Obama’s last three. In this case, “slightly” really means just that: Annual economic output under Trump was 2.5%, compared to 2.4% under Obama.

        The last three years of President Obama’s administration saw an increase of 8.1 million jobs and a 2 percentage-point drop in the overall unemployment rate, decreasing from 6.2% in 2014 to 4.9% by the end of 2016. It’s worth noting that when Obama took office in 2009, the country had recently lost around 8.6 million jobs due to the Great Recession.

        Under Trump, the number of jobs increased by 6.55 million in his first three years, and unemployment dropped from 4.4% to 3.7%. At the same time, however, the growth rate of disposable income actually dropped, from 2.6% to 2.3%, according to the Moody’s report. This decease is likely due in part to the rise of the gig economy; when people are working in positions like independent contractors like Uber drivers or Postmates deliverers, they typically don’t make as much per hour as they would in a position of full-time employment. This in turn lowers levels of disposable income, even as employment in general grows and unemployment rates decline. The rapid expansion of the gig economy did not begin under Trump, but his administration has seen more of its effects than previous administrations.

        The Stock Market
        During President Trump’s first three years in office, the S&P 500 rose by 12.2%, compared to a 7.5% increase in the last three years of the Obama administration. Is this purely because investors love Trump? Maybe, but probably not.

        A more likely reason, according to Zandi, is that provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 meant large, publicly-traded corporations saw a sizable cut in the amount of taxes they had to pay in 2018 and 2019. Less taxes on corporations equals higher revenues, which in turn fuels interest in the stock market — and higher stock prices as more people look to get in on the action.

        Budget Deficit
        The federal budget deficit — accumulated when the government spends more than it receives in revenues — has ballooned from $15 trillion at the end of the Obama administration to over $25 trillion during Trump’s first three years in the White House. Soaring deficit levels come as a natural consequence of the 2017 tax cuts: researchers at the Tax Policy Center found that corporate tax revenue declined by 40% between 2017 and 2018, while income taxes paid to the federal government declined by 5.4%. With less tax money coming in but similar levels of spending going out, it’s no wonder the federal deficit has increased.

        But you’re going to claim life was better under Trump? ROFL. Only a fucking moronic idiot who’s done no research at all would claim that.

        Asher said, “What kinds of so called far left common sense gun control do you want mag copasity limits ?limits on otherwise non criminal citizens being allowed to own and or carry a gun if they so wish?. Let see you likely want mandatory mental health test by bias leftist therapists being allowed to determine if a citizen may buy a gun to protect themselves .? Let’s see what is more arsinie gun control the left wants…. Oh gun owners being forced to only be allowed to store their guns at the police armory ?. I am for both open and concealed carry. I have done both . I prefer concealed mostly to not draw attention to my gun in a public space. My gun only should come out in a few cases 1 a cop has a reason to stop me and removes it from my person as a matter of their safety don’t like it but will comply with lawful orders . 2 I am at a public gun range training or just having a bit of fun . 3 I am protecting myself or another person from a criminal . I carry a gun on me any time I leave my home . My clients know I am armed while on premise . Some ask it gets left in my Truck. I will do it but I will not return to them once my job is done with them if that is their policy . I think all gun owners should of their own volition have at least 30hrs of gun safety training as in conjunction with target training and stressful environment train by a company like tarin tactical or a local tactic gun training provider before they are going to carry in public . I would not make that a condition of getting a carry permit . I think asking the government permission to carry a gun or even hunt / fish are dumb.”

        ROFL, there ya go with that horseshit calling me a leftist. I am an Eisenhower Republican, Asher. You keep calling me a leftist, you wouldn’t know what a leftist is. Of course, you don’t know much of anything, unless Fox pours it into your tiny little pea brain. And your command of the English language, spelling, and grammar are atrocious.

        Asher falsely claims, yet again, “You call me uncompassionate but i have compassion for people who are being harmed by criminals. You would have them at their mercy of their attacker as you would say no they can’t carry outside their home or business because some stupid sense of flawed morality thinking being made a victim is more suitable than protecting yourself with a gun .”

        I’m still waiting for your proof of your claims, Ashley.


  6. Asher says:

    You say I have no proof of Joe having dementia . I may not have medical proof at my finger tips. But look at how the man speaks . How he can barely speak a fully coherent sentence . He messed up his lines form a telapromter he goes on rants claiming that all who voted for Trump are evil threats to his rule. …. That the so called maga republicans are terrorists. did not call for a insurection on Jan 6th . I know part of what went on that day I also know how the media spun it . Some of the claims do not pass the sniff test. You know a sniff test that pedo Joe like to do with young girls . You must love that the Democrats are running rough shot over all 3 seats of power. Here is hoping that changes with the 2022 election of reps win enough . They should just play spoiler for all the pork packed bills for spending the Dems want and all the bills to restrict the freedom of Americans they want as well . 2years of stalemate politics would be great. Hell a government shut down for years would be grand .


    1. ASHER SAYS: “You say I have no proof of Joe having dementia . I may not have medical proof at my finger tips. But look at how the man speaks . How he can barely speak a fully coherent sentence . He messed up his lines form a telapromter he goes on rants claiming that all who voted for Trump are evil threats to his rule. ….”

      LOL. Any other conspiracy nonsense you’d like to spew? Joe Biden had a stroke, dumb ass. THAT is why he has difficulty speaking. Trump on the other hand DOES have dementia, specifically the PSP (Progressive supranuclear palsy) form of Frontoemporal Dementia.
      This is characterized by:
      Progressive behavior/personality decline—characterized by changes in personality, behavior, emotions, and judgment (called behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, often referred to as FTD, frontotemporal dementia)
      Progressive language decline—marked by early changes in language ability, including speaking, understanding, reading, and writing (called primary progressive aphasia or PPA)
      Progressive motor decline—characterized by various difficulties with physical movement, including the use of one or more limbs, shaking, difficulty walking, frequent falls, and poor coordination (called corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

      Again, you’d know and understand this if you ever did any actual research instead of just spewing what you’re told.

      Asher said, “That the so called maga republicans are terrorists. did not call for a insurection on Jan 6th . I know part of what went on that day I also know how the media spun it .”

      Sorry, Asher, but the MAGA Republicans ARE terrorists. And they most certainly attempted an insurrection. You see, an insurrection is defined as follows:

      18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection

      “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

      Now pay attention little boy. The MAGA Republican twits invaded the Capitol building to directly oppose the authority of the United States Congress to certify the results of the 2020 election. Donald Trump sent them there, telling them they needed to fight, which is incitement. Seriously, it’s not that difficult, Asher, except for those who live in fantasyland, like you and the other MAGA morons. And as to you knowing what went on that day, man, you don’t even know what is going on around you because you live in a completely different reality than the majority of the nearly 8 billion people on this planet.

      Asher made up, “Some of the claims do not pass the sniff test. You know a sniff test that pedo Joe like to do with young girls . ”

      Oh look, another bullshit claim. I notice you say nothing against Gaetz who is actually under investigation for pedophilia, human trafficking, paying for sex, and paying for sex with a minor. Nor the Republican moron who got caught jerking off in a school parking lot. Once again, you’re a hypocrite, without evidence for your claims.

      Asher said, “You must love that the Democrats are running rough shot over all 3 seats of power.”

      Hey stupid, the 3 seats of power? Democrats currently hold the Executive Branch, and slim majorities in the Legislative Branch. The Republicans hold the Judicial branch with a 6-3 majority. Apparently you don’t know anything about the Constitution or how the Government is set up. Doesn’t surprise me one bit.

      Asher, “Here is hoping that changes with the 2022 election of reps win enough . They should just play spoiler for all the pork packed bills for spending the Dems want and all the bills to restrict the freedom of Americans they want as well . 2years of stalemate politics would be great. Hell a government shut down for years would be grand .”

      More fucking stupid bullshit with no evidence. And as far as legislation full of pork, you should go look at the Republican’s pathetic HEALS Act. But again, you make claims the Democrats are restricting freedom of Americans, yet never actually say what those freedoms are, nor cite any evidence. In other words, typical lying Republican/Libertarian who can’t back up anything they claim with facts.

      Would you like cheese with your whine?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You in my opinion are afar left progressive just like Ben maybe a slight bit smarter. Sorry if my grammar and spelling on this bullshit fucking blog ran by a fucking shill for the left is not up to such high standards. This is not a good damn College paper I’m writing so I do not see the need to site all my sources that a fucking retard like you would just ignore or claim bias . I will speak more casually ie like a fucking normal person who is pissed off. Still fail to state the types of insane far left gun control you would have imposed. Like with pretty much everything we disagree on laws and how things should be ran . You want government spying on and controlling the lives of citizens from the time they wake up until the time they are allowed to fucking sleep. I want government to leave people the fuck alone . You are of the thought that all on the left are great and all who fall more in the modern non ike mold republicans as bad. While I think a fair amount of the old gaurd establishment Reps are just as vile as every Democrat.Hell the overly Jesus fucks make my skin crawl . If Biden had such a bad stroke and can’t seem to speak or have proper judgement why was he allowed to run and be installed as leader. Voting for Biden is just as fucking dumb as Voting for Stroke victim John Fetterman he should be put in a home and not be trying to enter a higher political office . Dr Oz is no great choice either but he might be more mentally able to serve unlike That Ogre Fetterman who can’t process words spoken to him .


        1. You don’t understand what ‘far left’ actually is, but then, there’s a lot you don’t understand Asher. You are a liar, and a coward. You invent arguments to attack, because you are afraid to deal with the arguments as they are presented. You’ve repeated the lie that I advocate for a total ban on guns, which is *not* my argument. When will you grow a pair and actually address the arguments I *have* made?

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Asher spewed, “You in my opinion are afar left progressive just like Ben maybe a slight bit smarter.”

    You seem to have a hardon for this “Ben” person. Was he your love who spurned you?

    Asher cried like the little bitch he is, “Sorry if my grammar and spelling on this bullshit fucking blog ran by a fucking shill for the left is not up to such high standards.”

    Ah, so because it’s a blog you have chosen to disgrace with your presence you’ve chosen to show the world your complete lack of moral fiber and intestinal fortitude? Gotcha.

    Asher cried, “This is not a good damn College paper I’m writing so I do not see the need to site all my sources that a fucking retard like you would just ignore or claim bias .”

    So, like a typical little Conservative bitch, you have nothing to back up your claims, so you whine that everyone will just call you out for your lying bullshit and prove how little you know. Understood. LOL.

    Asher whined, “I will speak more casually ie like a fucking normal person who is pissed off.”

    Would you like your binky? By the way, normal people when asked to cite sources do so. Only whiny little lying pussy bitches don’t.

    Asher once again falsely claims, “Still fail to state the types of insane far left gun control you would have imposed. Like with pretty much everything we disagree on laws and how things should be ran .”

    I already stated them previously. Just because you’re too lazy and stupid to remember doesn’t mean I need to repeat myself. Is your lack of memory from your Alzheimer’s, dementia, or just from your lack of brains? lol

    Asher once again made up, “You want government spying on and controlling the lives of citizens from the time they wake up until the time they are allowed to fucking sleep. I want government to leave people the fuck alone .”

    Typical of moronic twits with no balls, make shit up, have no proof, and then cry to everyone “he let me show everyone I’m a no dicked, brainless idiot and I’m mad because he exposed me for the little tool I am.”

    Asher cried, “You are of the thought that all on the left are great and all who fall more in the modern non ike mold republicans as bad. While I think a fair amount of the old gaurd establishment Reps are just as vile as every Democrat.Hell the overly Jesus fucks make my skin crawl .”

    Actually, I’m of the thought that you’re so easily triggered that it’s fun showing you to be the brainless twit you are and it’s so easy to set you off. Such easy triggering likely rolls over to other parts of your life. “minute man”. lol

    Asher the hypocrite states, “If Biden had such a bad stroke and can’t seem to speak or have proper judgement why was he allowed to run and be installed as leader. Voting for Biden is just as fucking dumb as Voting for Stroke victim John Fetterman he should be put in a home and not be trying to enter a higher political office . Dr Oz is no great choice either but he might be more mentally able to serve unlike That Ogre Fetterman who can’t process words spoken to him .”

    Hate to burst you’re little pink bubble, Ashley, but Biden’s occasional gaffs are still a lot better than the rambling nonsense of Trump. “I have the best words” lol, like “bigly”, and believes that there were airports and airplanes during the American Revolution.

    I’d like to congratulate you on providing so much entertainment for my readers, and for showing who you really are, a bitter child who hates rules and structure, and like all toddlers, expects everything and everyone to do what he wants, when he wants, and that he should be allowed to get away with anything or he throws a hissy fit and temper tantrum. You’ve fallen apart wonderfully that you’ve degenerated into showing the world exactly what kind of putrid trash you are and that you’re too stupid to know when you’re being baited. ROFL.

    Liked by 1 person

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